Q&A With Microgrant Recipient Nicole


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Nicole, a 17-year-old involved in a group called YES (Youth Encounter Service). YES helps people in poverty by fixing up their houses and also donate their time to soup kitchens and other charities.


1. What inspired you to join “YES”?

I really wanted to help others and give back to my community, so this was a good way of doing that!


2. Why is your work important to you?

I am just so passionate about helping other people in need, therefore, it is important that I do my best work in order to improve these less fortunate people’s lives.


3. How did the money from the microgrant help with your project?

With the money from the microgrant, the YES group I am a part of has decided to let me decide on where the money will go towards. Due to the fact that we are dealing with below-the-poverty-line families, we will divide the money equally among the four houses we work on and give each portion to the family so help with the bills that they struggle to pay every month. This is to make their lives a little easier and their burdens a little lighter.


4. What message of giving back do you have for others?

I always tell others that giving back makes you feel so much better in the long-run. You know and realize that you are doing something good, people appreciate you for doing your time, and this is why God put you on this earth: to help others and make a difference in someone’s life. For me, I want to impact many people’s lives, and it is always humbling because I get happiness out of doing volunteer work. Doing what I do helps me become a better person and helps so many other people’s lives. It’s just so amazing and I still cannot believe everything I have accomplished to improve other people’s lives. The happiness it brings them brings happiness to not only me, but everyone who helps with the project!


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