Q&A With Microgrant Recipient Cloe


Karma for Cara Foundation awards microgrants to youths 18 years of age and younger who spearhead exceptional service projects in their communities. 8 year old Cloe from Oklahoma used her award to purchase shovels, seeds, plants, and other supplies to create a vegetable and flower garden at her school. With the help of a group of volunteers, Cloe plotted out the spot for the garden, built it, and began to plant for the upcoming spring. Cloe exclaimed, “I love my school, but it has no trees or plants outside!”

  1. How many volunteers participated in your project? How many hours did it involve? Ms. Karen, Ms. Natasha, Mr. Ryder, Ms. White, Mr. Myke, Ms. Powell, and myself (7)
  2. What did you learn from this experience? We’re still learning! This was our first garden experience at Hamilton. Thanks to Karma for Cara, we have built 3 plots, got a compost bin going, and have money for expansion. We have tools and seeds and money left over for this spring. We are gearing up our garden for planting this week and next. We hope to have a great yield.
  3. How will your project continue having an impact in the future? We will continue to use the garden for plants and compost. We hope to have recurring vegetable plantings.
  4. Overall, summarize how your project was completed and how you think it went. Our project came together with the help of parent volunteers and the money from this grant. We researched a lot about what it takes to start up a garden and have been sort of flying by the seat of our pants! We are soooo excited to be planting now, since we did all the building last semester.
  5. How was the Karma for Cara microgrant helpful in the completion of your project? This microgrant was completely responsible for all of our tools and supplies. We wouldn’t have plots, or shovels, or soil without Karma for Cara.