Q&A with Microgrant Recipient Taylor


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional projects led by youth 18 and under to help complete service projects in their communities. Read about our micro grant recipient Taylor, a 15 year old who founded For the Love of Erika.

1. How did you become involved with For the Love of Erika?

I started For the Love of Erika in memory of my friend Erika who passed away from brain cancer when we were seven. When she was in the hospital, we both had the idea to deliver gifts to other kids in the same hospital as her. Unfortunately, we were not able to do this as she passed away before we began. I wanted to start this drive in honor of her and to keep her spirit alive.

2. Why is your work important to you?

My work is important to me because every child deserves to be happy and just be a kid. I deliver to children in hospitals and homeless shelters and whether it be an illness, or trying to find a home, they have been through tough times. Cheering these kids up during the holiday season is my goal and seeing them smile is the best feeling! Giving these kids a chance to just have fun and not worry about what is going on in their life, even for a short while is everything.

3. How did the money from the micro grant help with your project?

The money from the microgrant helped tremendously! Especially since we were helping an addition shelter this year, we were able to meet those needs. Many of the popular toys like legos were requested the most, and with this grant, we were able to buy legos and so many other toys.

4. What message of giving back do you have for others?

I would say to never underestimate the difference you can make in someone’s life. You don’t have to have a non-profit or an organization to make a difference. It isn’t always about giving the largest donation. Spending time and committing to a project or even small task to help someone is the most important. The person will remember you because of your commitment and sincerity.
