Karma for Cara Foundation launched our inaugural podcast, Started With A Passion, on Tuesday, March 28th. The podcast’s mission is to bring young changemakers to the mic to educate and inspire listeners–young & old–to better their communities. You can listen to the first episode here.
Focused on K4C’s microgrant recipients, the podcast taps into the incredible work young people can do to repair our world. Many of our guests have founded their own nonprofits at a young age and expanded the scope of the impact of their projects beyond their immediate communities. Regardless, every episode promises to provide hope for the future & inspiration to other young people who are considering or already involved in service projects.
Our first guest, Jahkil Jackson, is a multiple K4C microgrant recipient; he has written a book, Don’t Wait to be Great; he has founded a nonprofit, Project I AM, which has touched over 100,000 unhoused men, women and children across the world; and he as spoken about social entrepreneurship to thousands nationally in over 75 schools and organizations. He has won more awards than we can list here, he has met President Obama….and he is only 15 years old.
The host of Started With A Passion, Rianna with Living Classrooms Foundation, is particularly interested in and focused on Jahkil’s work with Project I AM. At the age of 5, Jahkil helped his aunt distribute food to the homeless in Chicago, his hometown. Once he saw the need, he asked his parents how he could help, and Jahkil founded Project I AM 3 years later. The nonprofit involves youth who create & distribute “blessing bags” filled with soap, tissues, sanitizer, and other daily essentials in demand by people who are unsheltered, living in poverty, or seeking safety.
K4C is honored that Jahkil agreed to be our guest in the inaugural episode of Started With A Passion. As you’ll hear on the podcast, Jahkil is not only passionate about his mission–he is also generous with his time & truly inspiring!