Monthly Archives: May 2020


Meet microgrant recipient McKenzie (14) from Jackson, MS. During summers and throughout the school year, she facilitates science workshops at locations such as public libraries, Boys and Girls Clubs, Salvation Army Camps, daycares, church camps and after school programs to spread the love of science and show kids how much fun learning about the world around them can be. The workshops involve fun, hands-on experiments that kids don’t experience in their school classrooms & represent different STEM concepts.


Meet K4C microgrant recipient Jason (15) from Boulder, CO. Jason & the Fairview High School Rotary Interact Club, a student-led club undertaking monthly service projects and fundraising which benefits their community, focused on assisting the homeless in this project. During the cold winter months, they provided blankets & pillows decorated with motivational messages to the homeless community to reduce discomfort & provide warmth.  The club also prepared nutritious meals & baked treats which they dispensed to the homeless.