Karma for Cara Foundation awards microgrants to youths 18 years of age and younger who spearhead exceptional service projects in their communities. Meet Nathan (16) from Chapel Hill, NC. Nathan is a youth volunteer mechanic for the ReCYCLEry NC and used his award to get more youth involved with the ReCYCLEry. The ReCYCLEry’s mission is to encourage bicycle use by community members for either transportation or recreation, and to support bicycle culture as an affordable and environmentally-friendly form of transportation. Additionally, volunteers at ReCYCLEry teach biking safety and assist kids with disabilities in learning how to ride bikes; donate bikes to kids in need; teach life skills; and develop young leaders. For this particular project, high-school age volunteers promoted the organization to students during lunch at schools. The volunteers also taught mechanic classes and introductory bicycle skills to 30-40 community members.