Monthly Archives: March 2016


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Hannah, a 16-year-old who organized fellow church members to fill backpacks with activities for young patients undergoing chemo.

1. What inspired you to start “Bee Strong”?

I went to HOBY las summer, and it inspired me to start a service project.

2. Why is your work important to you?…


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Nicole, a 17-year-old involved in a group called YES (Youth Encounter Service). YES helps people in poverty by fixing up their houses and also donate their time to soup kitchens and other charities.


1. What inspired you to join “YES”?

I really wanted to help others and give back to my community, so this was a good way of doing that!…


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Lalah, a 15-year-old who organized a day to teach 6th-8th grade girls about women in leadership/elected positions.

1. What inspired your Gold Star Award Project?

Being a Girl Scout since kindergarten inspired me to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award. I’ve always planned on doing my Gold Award. As I got older, I realized that there are many benefits to earning the Gold Award (like college scholarships and the sense of achieving such a big project) and I set a goal of completing the award before my 16th birthday….


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Anela, a 15-year-old who creates activity bags to share with pediatric cancer patients in hospitals around Lexington,KY.

1. What inspired you to start the Give, Love, Hope Project?

After shaving my head for cancer patients in 2012 I realized I could make a difference in the world. Community service became a very important part of my life….