Monthly Archives: January 2016


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Laya, a 13-year-old who teaches first grade students about homelessness. In addition to the educational component, she also organizes activities to provide assistance to those experiencing homelessness.

1. What inspired you to start this project?

My project, All Hands In Baltimore, has two distinct purposes: not only do I make projects to help the less fortunate, I also get the opportunity to teach and guide first graders and fill them with the same eagerness to help others that I experienced in first grade….


Karma for Cara Microgrants help fund exceptional service projects led by youth 18 and under working to better their communities. Read about our microgrant recipient, Corinne, a 15-year-old founder of Warm Winters. Warm Winters works with ski resorts in eight states collecting unclaimed warm clothing and accessories to be donated to people experiencing homeless. 

1. What inspired you to start Warm Winters?

When I was 11 years old, I noticed a homeless man on the streets near my house dressed in just a t-shirt and jeans on a bitterly cold winter’s day….